Pakistani woman and her jail-born child return from India


By Muhammad Luqman
Thirteen Pakistani prisoners including Fatima and her jail-born daughter, Hina have returned home through Wagha border.
Fatima Rehman, her sister Mumtaz and daughter were released on Thursday after serving 10 years for drug trafficking.
Fatima was arrested in 2006, along with her sister Mumtaz, and their mother Rashida – who died in prison.
Her 11-year-old daughter, Hina, has grown up in Amritsar jail, in Indian state of Punjab. In August, Pakistan agreed to grant the girl citizenship despite her being born in India.
While Fatima and Mumtaz’s 10-and-a-half-year sentence ended in November 2016, the court sentenced them to another two years because they couldn’t afford to pay their fine of 400,000 rupees They were released after a local charity, paid the amount.
“I am a very poor man, so I couldn’t pay the fine,” Fatima’s husband, Gujaranwala based Saiful Rehman was quoted by media..
His son, Ghulam, said that he and his two siblings were “eagerly waiting” for Hina, who they have never met.
Hina, her mother and her aunt entered Pakistan through the Wagah border in the Indian state of Punjab on Thursday afternoon.


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