Cartelization: CCP imposes Rs44 billion penalty on Pakistan Sugar Mills Association


Web Desk
The Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) has imposed a penalty worth Rs44 billion on the Pakistan Sugar Mills Association (PSMA) for the violation of the Competition Act 2010.
The penalty issued to the PSMA is the highest penalty ever imposed by Pakistan’s competition watchdog, CCP.
According to a statement issued on Friday, the PSMA has been directed to pay the penalty within two months ( 60 days).
The decision was taken against the PSMA over a violation of the Competition Act 2010 for fixing the sugar price, which was proved during an investigation conducted by the CCP, read the statement.
It read that the sugar mills, under the PSMA, obtained the quota of utility stores and imported sugar through a nexus.
The statement further stated that two of the CCP members gave a dissenting opinion over the commission’s decision, whereas the chairman and another member voted for issuing a penalty to the PSMA.
Last year, a sugar crisis had occurred in the country, due to which the sugar prices had skyrocketed. The CCP investigated the matter and issued notices to several sugar mills.
Once the Sugar Inquiry Commission submitted its report, the CCP was asked to investigate the issues related to cartelisation and anti-competitive measures in the sugar industry.
Meanwhile, the sugar mills owners body, Pakistan Sugar Mills Association has outrightly rejected the inquiry commission’s report, which was made public and explained how the price of sugar was fixed, how exports of the commodity were faked on sales taxes, and how billions of rupees were overcharged by sugar mills owners.
The PSMA alleged that the commission “distorted the facts” in its report presented to Prime Minister Imran Khan and the federal government.
The SIC report had made some shocking revelations, according to which many sugar mill owners were receiving telegraphic transfers for payments for sugar sold to Afghanistan from the United States and the United Arab Emirates, therefore, seemingly whitening money and earning dollars at the same time.


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