US trying to cover up its defeat by blaming Pakistan, says Foreign Minister


By Muhammad Luqman
Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif has said that Pakistan was not willing to be a scapegoat for America’s failure in Afghanistan.
“The US generals who faced defeat in Afghanistan in the last 15 years have formed the structure for the policy for this region,” Asif told members of upper house of Pakistan’s parliament .
He said that no objective policy can be formed when it is baggage [of defeat].
Asif said that he presented his opinion both during his visit to the United States and Tillerson’s recent visit to Pakistan.
The foreign minister stressed that when the US holds Pakistan responsible, it, in fact, tries to brush its own defeat under the carpet.
He spoke on protecting Pakistan’s interests on international forums and having the country’s policy cater to national interests.
“We will strongly protect our interests on international forums and vis-à-vis our relations with the US.”
“The foreign policy is being evolved through a consultation process through discussion in the Senate, the National Assembly, and the National Security Committee,” he remarked.
He stressed that the foreign policy’s ‘sole charge’ doesn’t lie with one institution.
Asif assured the House that any issues in the foreign policy will be addressed and based on the discussions in the country’s legislative assemblies.
“No foreign power will be involved in shaping the country’s foreign policy,” he said.
“Pakistan’s integrity, solidarity, and economic interests will be foremost when forming the country’s foreign policy.”


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