Sino-Pak cultural caravan to travel on CPEC routes

China Pakistan Cultural Caravan

By Muhammad Luqman
A cultural caravan comprising Chinese and Pakistani artists will travel on three routes of China Pakistan Economic Corridor to create awareness among the masses about the positive effects , the game changer project is going to have on their lives.
According to Pakistan National Council of Arts (PNCA), caraven will travel for about one month along the Western , Eastern and Central routes of the corridor.
“ The caravan will comprise eight artists from China and Pakistan each, traversing across the routes,” the council explained.
The Silk route has played a significant role in the culture and economy of the region over the last several centuries. Its visionary transformation into CPEC will be seen as the most powerful engine of change, development, progress and economic turnaround for the entire region and even beyond.
According to schedule the first segment will undertake the Western route covering route from Peshawar to Gwadar. The second segment will take the Eastern route from Karachi to Islamabad while also taking detour between Eastern ,Western and Central routes.
The third segment will cover Northern route starting from Kashgar and culminating at Islamabad.
Schedule of the caravan will be decided ,keeping climatic and other factors in mind.
The film makers will have all their equipment including editing systems with them so they can continue editing their films and also engage local talent in the process of filming and editing.
The painters and photographers will be encouraged to engage with local enthusiasts in creative processes by sharing their knowledge and skills with them and also letting them to take pictures and paint images.
The musicians will not only document local folk music but also perform at different places and interact with local musicians.


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