No terrorist safe havens in Pakistan: Pakistan Army


By Muhammad Luqman
Director-General of Pakistan Army’s media wing, Inter-Services Public Relation (ISPR) Major General Asif Ghafoor has said that there are no terrorist safe havens in Pakistan.
Addressing a press conference in garrison town of Rawalpindi, he stated that there are no organised bases of any terrorist organisations in the country anymore.
“More than 50 per cent of Afghan territory is out of their control (of Kabul government), which is also affecting Pakistan.” The ISPR Chief said.
Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor accepted that there are threats to Pakistan’s borders, but added that the important question to ask is if the threat is by state or non-state actors.
He added that Afghanistan has been at war for four decades and after 9/11 the war entered Pakistan.
Moreover, he expressed satisfaction over the performance and results of military operations that were successfully carried out.
‘Pakistan should seek pride in its military forces, due to which Pakistan against all odds, has stabilized itself”, said Major General Asif Ghafoor.
He observed that Muharram processions were peaceful despite threats in Balochistan and Karachi. He also spoke of a Bohri community gathering in which 21,000 foreigners participated, including 12,000 Indian citizens.
In addition, Major General Asif said that the country is free from terrorist safe havens and that operation ‘Radd-ul-Fasad’ is going to be carried out in the future too.
In order to handle the security issues that Pakistan faces from Afghanistan, it has deployed its forces on the western part of the border.
He called for further strengthening cohesion among national institutions to foil hostile narrative of the enemies of the country.


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