Pakistan-India tensions ratchet up  as Indian shelling kills four Pakistani soldiers


    By Muhammad Luqman

Four Pakistani soldiers were killed on Monday in mortar shelling by Indian forces  across the Line of Control in disputed Kashmir, according to media wing of Pakistan Army, ISPR. Three Indian soldiers were also killed in exchange of fire in Janderot Kotli sector . “Troops were busy in Line communication maintenance when they were fired upon and hit by heavy mortar round,” a statement of ISPR said. Exchange of fire also resulted in the killing of three  Indian soldiers, it added. Exchanges  of firing  across the LoC were common for years before the 2003 ceasefire in disputed Kashmir . Tensions between India and Pakistan touched new heights on Friday when  Indian army chief General Bipin Rawat threatened to  carry out operations inside Pakistan despite the risk of a nuclear conflict, the Indian daily the Hindustan Times reported. “The comment drew a sharp reaction from Pakistan’s foreign minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif who termed the statement “irresponsible” and an “invitation for nuclear encounter”. “If that is what they desire, they are welcome to test our resolve. The general’s doubt would swiftly be removed,” Khwaja Asif said on Twitter. According to ISPR, 52 civilians were killed and 254 wounded by Indian shelling in the region during the year 2017, more than in all of the previous 14 years combined.


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