Movement for bifurcation of Pakistan’s Punjab province launched


By Muhammad Luqman

With the launch of movement by  parliamentarians from Pakistan’s cotton belt for the creation of a new province , has initiated a debate whether  more administrative units in Pakistan will be helpful  in strengthening  federation of the South Asian nation.  The movement named ‘Janoobi  Punjab Mahaz’ has been joined by members of parliamentarians belonging to ruling Pakistan Muslim League (N), and supported by some independently elected legislators.

Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaaf of cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan and left-leaning Pakistan’s People’s Party led by Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has also been advocating for such a re-organization. But they are calling for break-up of Punjab only. Very few talk about the division of Sindh, Khyber Pakhtun Khawa and Balochistan on linguistic and other grounds. The federal parties like Pakistan People’s Party have been trumpting for the creation of South Punjab province but oppose the division of Sindh into Karachi and rest of Sindh provinces, calling it equal to the vivisection of mother Sindh.  MQM is the only political party that supports the creation of new administrative units in all the four provinces.

In neighbouring India, there are 29 states or provinces with Teleghana, the latest. The number of states in India has risen from 14 in the year 1947 to 29 over the last 67 years. Most of the new states were created under 1956 Re-Organization Act. Indian state of Punjab was divided into East Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh.

On the other hand, West Pakistan’s provinces were merged into one unit in 1950s to create parity with East Pakistan. This step ultimately led to weakening of federalism in Pakistan. Treating East Pakistan equal and sometimes inferior to less populous West Pakistan, fomented the feelings of deprivation among Bengalis. Had Western and Eastern wings of Pakistan been divided into smaller units in 1950s and 1960s, there could have been no Bangladesh and current ethno-nationalist movements in the remaining Pakistan.

Lesson from the history is that no body learns lesson from the history. Most of political parties still oppose the creation of new units on administrative basis. Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaaf is against the creation of Hazara province in Khyber Pakhtun Khawa. This party of Lahore origin, is very fond of dividing Punjab into two or more units but opposes bifurcation of Sindh , Khyber Pakhtun Khawa and Balochistan even on administrative basis.

In any federal dispensation, there is always a tendency to treat the states on equal basis. To ensure level-playing field among the states, upper house in the parliament has equal representation from all the federating units. But this effort is defeated in the countries like Pakistan due to presence of Golliath like Punjab and minnows like Khyber Pakhtunkhawa.

To help promote inclusive economic development, it is necessary to create new administrative units in all the four provinces. Conversion of administrative divisions may be the practical solution of this problem.

During Zia era, the proposal of creating 18 provinces in Pakistan was floated but it was shot down by almost every political party due to their vested interests. Present day political scenario is very favourable for creation of new units as change is a buzz word. It is imperative that those claiming to be the agents of change, should campaign the creation of new provinces in all the four provinces as asserting to bisect Punjab will only be treated as a political stunt.



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