Wind Power: NTDC Secures Rs 6400 million Financing Facility


Web Desk
Pakistan’s state power transmission company, NTDC has secured Rs 6400 million Financing Facility from Consortium of Banks (Habib Bank Limited, National Bank of Pakistan and Bank Islami Pakistan Limited).
The financing facility will be utilized for the construction of 220 /132 kV substation and 35 km long allied Transmission Lines to evacuate 1224 MW clean renewable energy generated by wind power plants located at Jhimpir Wind Corridor in Southern Pakistan province of Sindh.
Managing Director NTDC Engr. Muhammad Ayub singed the contract of financing facility with Asad Altaf GM Corporate Banking Head (Central) HBL, Zia-ud-Din Tahir Unit Head NBP (Corporate) and Amir Ashraf Head Corporate (Central) BankIslami during a signing ceremony held at WAPDA House in eastern city of Lahore on Tuesday.
For the first time, MD NTDC said, the company has explored the option of raising a financial facility at its own resources (balance sheet) without government’s guarantee. Whereas, previously, it had relied on GoP guaranteed loans from the local market. This financing facility would be a precursor for more funding for upcoming NTDC projects.
He said that PC-1 cost of the Jhimpir-II project is Rs 10.753 billion and the funding required was Rs 6.40 billion. The project will have sufficient capacity to transmit more power in future. To meet the future developments in Gharo-Jhimpir wind corridor, the 220 kV grid station will be upgraded to 500 kV capacity in coming years.


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