Indian envoy pins hops on July elections for improved Islamabad-New Delhi ties



By Muhammad Luqman

Indian High Commissioner Ajay Bisaria in Islamabad has hoped that the relations between India and Pakistan will improve after the 2018 general elections.

“We hope that Pak-India relations will improve following the general elections in Pakistan,” Bisaria said while addressing a seminar in the capital, Islamabad.

H said that there has been a mutual agreement not to harass diplomats from either side.

The agreement was announced through a statement simultaneously issued by Pakistan’s Foreign Office and the Indian Ministry of External Affairs in March this year.

The statement reads: “India and Pakistan have mutually agreed to resolve matters related to the treatment of diplomats and diplomatic premises, in line with the 1992 ‘Code of Conduct’ for treatment of diplomatic/consular personnel in India and Pakistan.”

Ajay Bisaria said that poverty is both countries’ mutual enemy and that the people of both nations do not hate each other.

“The truth is that terrorist events hindered the talks between the two countries,” he said while adding that the two countries need to take baby steps in order to make their relationship better.


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