Pakistan: Met Department to disseminate weather info in regional languages


By Muhammad Luqman
Pakistan Meteorological Department’s Media and IT centre has become operational in eastern city of Lahore that would disseminate weather warnings and information to the people in regional languages like Punjab and Seraiki languages.
” We want to make the meteorological department more dynamic and proactive so that it can play due role in tackling with issues arising due to climate change,” Federal Aviation Minister Ghulam Sarwar Khan said while speaking at the inaugural ceremony.
He said that climate change had resulted in extreme weathers , necessitating that people get in time warnings about weather especially during flood season.
He also inaugurated Met Helpline 1315 that can be contacted by the people to know about day to day weather.
Director General Pakistan Meteorological Department , Muhammad Riaz said that all the information recorded on audio and video forms would be uploaded on PMD website and social media to facilitate the people.


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